I hope the name I chose for this site really says it all
I am just a guy who loves all things fishing. I grew up fishing and have enjoyed it for almost half a century.
I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog to have some sort of record highlighting my love for this sport and an opportunity to broaden my knowledge and skill set as well.
Initially, this was terrifying as I know nothing about writing blogs and even less about websites and how to create one let alone make one that actually provides what I hope is some useful information for those who come along for the ride.
This is my ultimate intent for this site. I want to provide a place where I can learn as much as I can about the sport that I love and I can hopefully provide my readers some value as well. Maybe a tip you didn’t know, a review on a new piece of equipment, or hopefully at some point, a very interesting interview with someone who has forgotten more about fishing than I will ever know.
I am super excited about this journey and look forward to sharing as much as I can along the way.